Behind the scenes look at my Pinterest results (October 2020)


Are you a designer, copywriter, marketer, virtual assistant or offer other kinds of services online, and are thinking about Pinterest marketing? Take a behind the scenes look at my own Pinterest results and see what can you achieve for your business.

Before we dive in

If we haven't "met" yet, let me introduce myself real quick: my name is Urška, and I'm a Pinterest marketing strategist. I help online entrepreneurs use Pinterest to explode their website traffic, grow their audience, and of course, reach their dream clients. If you want to find out more about me and my work, check out my about page. I promise I tried to make it entertaining to read. 

My Pinterest results for October 2020

Did you know that this post is a part of an ongoing series? Yes, I’m sharing my Pinterest results every month, so if you want, click here to find the ones for September!

My Pinterest stats for October 2020

Growth of followers: 10 (172 in total)
Potential Impressions: 705 K
Unique Monthly Impressions: 46.15 K
Number of engagement: 2.3 K (my content only)
Engagement growth: -19%
Number of saves: 442 (my content only)
Saves growth: -9%
Clicks to website: about 465
Clicks growth: -6%

To give you something to compare these to, here’s how my Pinterest stats looked like in September 2020.

My Pinterest stats for September 2020

Growht of followers: 12 (162 in total)
Potential Impressions: x
Unique Monthly Impressions: 66.89 K
Number of engagements: 2780 (my content only)
Number of saves: 483 (my content only)
Clicks to website: 496 (my content only)

What can these numbers tell you?

As you can see, in October my Pinterest results slightly dropped in comparisson to the month before. Behaviour like this is completely normal, and nothing to be alarmed about if it happens to you too. After all, seeing nothing but growth in your marketing (no matter the platform) is very rare. Some months will always be better than others, that’s why you always need to look at a bigger picture and compare your results not only month over month, but also year over year.

My top-performing pins

I’ve had the same top-performing pin for months now. Because it’s bringing so much traffic to my website, I recently optimized the blog post itself, added some new information, and even created a lead magnet specifically for this blog post, so that I can take advantage of all these website visitors as much as possible.


Pin stats for October:

26.5 K impressions

207 saves

309 clicks

Before you go: I'm publishing my Pinterest results every month. Want to be notified when I share the ones for November? Click the button below to follow me on Instagram and stay in touch!



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