Instagram vs. Pinterest: which platform to use for what


Instagram is no Pinterest & Pinterest is no Instagram... and that's a good thing! Even though they may look somewhat alike, they are very different and they are meant to be used in a different way. Find out how exactly in this post!

I don't really know what Pinterest is good for". This is something that I hear all-the-time, so let me break it down for you. For a quick overview, check out the image below, but keep on reading if you want to get more details!


Growin awareness for your brand, business or services

Both Instagram and Pinterest are great candidates to do this. New potential clients can discover you on both of these platforms, but I do believe Pinterest still wins this round. Why? Just because it’s able to bring your content to a much bigger audience with much less effort.

Building trust with potential clients

If you want for people to hire you, then you first need to build the know, like and trust factor with your audience. To do that, your potential clients need to stay in touch with you over a longer period of time. They need to follow your adventures, keep up with your day to day, and preferably, learn about you too and not just about your business.

This is where Instagram comes in, since it’s a perfect platform for you to achieve all that.

Getting people to your website

When it comes to driving organic traffic to your website, Instagram doesn't even come close to Pinterest's results. After all, the way Pinterest works makes it easy and completely natural for someone to click a pin and land on your website. Instagram on the other hand? Not so much.

That’s why you can get 1000+ Pinterest users to visit your website every month, but it’s much much harder to achieve something like that on Instagram too.

Promoting your product during a launch period

When it comes to launching a new product, or promoting a time-limited offer, timing is crucial. After all, it doesn’t help you much if people find out about your offer when it’s already over. That’s why Instagram should be your pick in these cases.

On Instagram, you get to talk to your audience in “real time”: you post something today and most of the audience will see that piece of content today. Pinterest on the other hand is much more evergreen. You post something today, and it can be getting you the attention for months to come. This certainly makes for an amazing long-term marketing strategy, but when it comes to launches, it’s not your best choice.

Building an email list

Again, since Pinterest is the one bringing all those people to your website, it's a no-brainer that it's also an amazing platform to grow your mailing list. Remember! More eyes on your lead magnets means more subscribers!

Not sure about that? Read how did one of my clients get 200 email subscribers in 7 months from 1 email sign-up!

Want to start using Pinterest for your biz? Take a look at a free preview of my Pinterest course that teaches you everything you need to know about it!


Behind the scenes look at my Pinterest results (October 2020)


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