Marketing your business when you’re running out of time


Do you feel like you’re always running out of time for marketing your services online? Do you wish you would just find a way to promote your online business without having to spend a lot of time doing it? Well, I may have a solution for you!

Does this sound like you?

  • You barely manage to put together 1 Instagram post per week and can't even think about doing anything more than that.

  • You're trying to "engage" with your audience as much as possible, so you find yourself on your phone right after you wake up, while eating lunch at your desk and even yes, on the toilet.

  • You don't remember when was the last time you shared something on your Facebook page (could it be months ago?)

  • You gave up on TikTok after you finally figured out how to create a decent video because it was just too much to handle.

Oh, do I have a solution for you. And it's called Pinterest!

You're probably super skeptic about it, so let me give you a few reasons why Pinterest is the marketing platform for busy entrepreneurs:

  • You don't need to spend time on it every day. Hell, you can only open the app once a month and it will still bring you amazing results!

  • Pinterest content = evergreen content. Instead of watching your posts lose all the momentum after a day, you will enjoy getting traction on your content for months, even 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 to come!

  • It only takes you about 1 hour a week to create & schedule all the content you need to succeed.

How does that sound? Are you intrigued? Still not quite sure if Pinterest is the right fit for you? Then you should check out this amazing case study I put together. In it, I’m not only sharing my client’s Pinterest results, but you’ll also find out what kind of an impact Pinterest has had on her mailing list, her product sales and more!


Instagram vs. Pinterest: which platform to use for what


Behind the scenes look at my Pinterest results (September 2020)