How to make sure every page on your website is selling for you


Having a pretty website is not enough to convert visitors into clients - no matter how much traffic you drive to it! Your website needs to do a lot of heavy lifting if you want it to convert, so you need to make sure that it's communicating what you do, how you do it and for who in a way that's clear and easy to understand.

In this blog post, I’m going to share some amazing tips by Jess Jordana, that will teach you how to structure your website and what every page on your website needs t0 be able to bring you new clients on its own. You will learn what your website needs to draw in your audience and convince them that you have a solution to their problems.

Home page

Make sure you don't just tell them what you do, tell them why it matters for THEM. Be specific. People don't REALLY want a process or a service, they want a result. Show them you know what they want and they'll start to trust you can deliver on it.⁠⠀

About page

Help them see themselves in your story. UM, HOW? Use headlines and bold text to pull out relatable themes, lessons, or even ask your audience questions along the way like, "Know the feeling?" (There are so many great questions, so that's just one idea!)⁠⠀

Services page

Get rid of the bulleted lists of features and start to focus on the feelings instead. Where are they now? Where do they want to be? What's stopping them? Why is your solution THE solution to help them get where they wanna go? Your services page should feel more like a sales page than a catalog.⁠⠀

Blog page

If you can include extra copy on your blog page, be sure to write a little blurb at the top telling them what TYPE of value they can expect from your content. It's not enough to say, "Grab some coffee and stay awhile!" ... why should they? SPELL IT OUT FOR 'EM.⁠⠀

Contact page

Set expectations and BE A HUMAN. Tell them when they can expect to hear back from you, and maybe give 'em a little glimpse into what your life looks like! Let them know why you're not chained to your inbox! It gives a human element. Plus, this is your last chance to say anything to them before they inquire or close the tab. USE. IT. WISELY.⁠⠀




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