How to set up Pinterest to attract dream clients


If you want to use Pinterest for your small business, then one of the first things you need to take care of is to properly set up your Pinterest account. Find a list of 9 things you can do today, to start reaching your dream clients on Pinterest!

Separate your business & personal account

If you already have a Pinterest account that you have been using for saving all sorts of content, I recommend you to create a new one for your business. Think of it this way. You want your profile to look professional and show your work the best way possible. That is simply not possible if your content are mixed in with dinner recipes, outfit ideas and interior decor inspiration.

Use the same profile photo that you do on other channels

If you are just starting on Pinterest, chances are you don't have as many followers on the platform as you do on Instagram or Facebook for example. That's why you want to use the same profile photo that you do on other channels, so that people can recognize your profile by that alone.

Claim your website & Instagram account

This will automatically attribute all the pins saved from your website or Instagram to your Pinterest account. It doesn't matter if you save a pin or someone else, your account name will now always show up at the top right corner when opening up a pin.

Click the image below to get 6 more things you need to do to get clients from Pinterest!


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