Why you need to use your website analytics as a wedding photographer


One of the great things about having your own wedding photography website is the control that comes with it. You can choose the look, customize the design, publish the content you want. But there is something even better - the analytics that come with it.

If you've never checked your website analytics before, I encourage you to do that right away. In case it seems too complicated for you, let me assure you that it is not. Take 10 minutes to watch a how-to video or two on the topic, and you will learn enough to find your way around.


There is a ton of information inside your analytics report, but in my opinion, there is one that is the most important - source of traffic.

It is important to understand how and where people find you. Unlike on Instagram or Facebook where you can only assume how did your followers find you, website analytics tell you that and much more. As soon as you check your data, you can tell how much traffic came from social media, how much from search or your newsletter.

The reason why you need to know where and how your visitors find you is simple - it can help you make your wedding photography business even better. You will be able to make informed decisions about different aspects of your business and decide which are the ones that need more attention and which are those that aren't bringing the results.


Let me give you an example. You decided to advertise your work on a website that features wedding photographers. By checking your analytics, you can see whether or not the investment was worth it. How many visitors did you get from that source? Is the number similar to that you were expecting (or were promised), or is it lower? Not only that, you can now calculate exactly how much did each visit cost you!

On the other hand, you can find some surprising sources of website traffic that you had no idea about! I came across quite a few examples when wedding photographers found out they were getting a lot of visits from Pinterest. And they haven't even published anything on the platform in quite some time! As soon as they saw the numbers Pinterest was bringing them, they decided to invest in the platform right away.

So let me ask you again - when was the last time you checked your analytics?






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