How to find kick-ass blog ideas in 2 minutes


You have to STOP thinking that blogging is hard or complicated! It's actually pretty simple and straightforward. To help you out even more, let me share a super easy trick that will help you find some amazing blog ideas quickly!

I bet that most of you reading this have never thought about turning your Instagram posts into blog posts. For some reason, you have this idea in your head that you can't just recycle the same idea. That people will hate it if you do this. Well, newsflash - people don't care.

Most of your Instagram followers aren't reading your blog posts anyway, so why would you let all of those incredible ideas and great content go to waste by only creating one tiny Instagram post out of it? It's such a waste!

Here’s what you should do

  1. Open your Instagram account

  2. Go to your “Insights”

  3. Select “Content you shared”

  4. Click the middle “Reach” button and select “Post interactions”
    (this will sort all the posts you’ve published on your Instagram account from the ones that got the most interactions, to those who got the least)

  5. Go through your top-performing Instagram posts and turn them into blog posts.

  6. You just found yourself some kick-ass blog post ideas that you know people will love because they already showed you that on Instagram!


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