What can Pinterest do that Instagram can't


Photo by Jen Theodore.

In this blog post, you can learn about one significant difference between Pinterest and Instagram and how it can help with your marketing strategy as a wedding photographer.

The way Pinterest works is very different from how Instagram does. The results Pinterest can bring you are also very different. That's why, if you know what those differences are, you can learn how to use them to your advantage. 

Any business owner active on Instagram knows how much time and effort it takes to grow your account. There are several reasons why this is the case. In the last couple of years, there has been a significant rise in paid advertising and constant algorithm changes that always seem to work against you. But what has an even bigger effect on your success is the competition. Over 25 million businesses are using Instagram, and as predicted by eMarketer, 75.3% of U.S. businesses will be using it in 2020. Since all of us are competing for the users' attention, this means that every day your competition gets tougher.


As a wedding photographer, you are facing an even bigger challenge. Since most of your clients are "one time only", you need to be consistently reaching new people with your work. Again, due to all of the competition on the platform, Instagram's organic reach is decreasing year by year. Here is where Pinterest can help you out.

I like to say that Pinterest works like Instagram on steroids and here is why. When you publish a new post, users will interact with it. Some of them will write a comment, while others will save it, send it to someone or share it in their stories. However, a majority of users will do one thing - they will like the post. If you think about it, this is very passive behaviour. You see a post, you like it and move forward. Apart from a slight impact on the algorithm that this action has, nothing really happens. On Pinterest, things work a little bit different.


If I compare the platforms once again, saving a post on Pinterest is somewhat equal to liking it on Instagram. But there is one big difference between the two, and that is the influence these two actions have. As I already said, when someone likes a post on Instagram, nothing much will happen. But when a user saves a pin to their Pinterest profile, that pin will then be shared with that account's followers. This is the reason why on Pinterest, thousands of users will see your content, no matter how many followers your profile has.

If you'd like to start intentionally use Pinterest for your wedding photography business, reach out to us! Our email is hello@ayalie.com, we'll be glad to hear from you. Also, subscribe to our newsletter at the button below and get amazing new marketing tips every week straight to your inbox! Make sure to also follow us on Instagram @ayalie.marketing and Pinterest ayaliemarketing.

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